"Some people classify others as weird or scary, but to me, your just one of my pack"


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Kindle generation 3

Granted, it is no I-pad or laptop, but it is a free and portable bookcase, has two dictionary's, and Wi-fi (Yes, you can go on websites)! Quite invigorating!
I am an INTENSE believer in "Flesh and blood books" but I find that the kindle provides a GREAT experience! You can HARDLY tell that this is an electrical device you hold in your hands. It is also light-wight  and VERY portable!
I did have a little trouble sorting it out in the beginning, but soon got the hang of it.
Over all, a Kindle is a great thing to have when traveling, and you can stick to your book collections as well, no one said you couldn't do both!
-Sammy Green-Dail

Help on Kindle books!

Heyall! Yes, yours truly has joined the fabulous world of Kindles! I recently won a contest at my local library and the prize was the Kindle! I am quite enjoying it!
But one inssey, tinsey, weensy little problem... I only have one book. I need you, All my readers, passerby, seekers, all you guys, to give me good titles, books, and authors that YOU think would be an EXCELLENT addition to my Kindle. Up too it, me mateies?

-Samantha, the reader of both book and Kindle

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas in the air, and not a down of snow...

WOOHOOO!!!!!! I am filled to the BRIM in excitement, Inspiration, love, and... well, EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!
So, we, my family and are MOVING! (No, i can't move all by my lonesome) Not only THAT! But we are moving to a place near friends and family AND ELVES!!!! YEAHHHHHH!!!!! Snow friends, elves, food, SNOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MY FRIEND IS MOVING NEAR ONE OF MY FAVORITE ACTORS!!!! I hope to keep you posted!!!!
AHHH! Christmas in !) DAYS! ;) Okay, 10 days.. ;)
But one has to grab the reigns and remind her/his self that Christmas is NOT about presents, but about the day Jesus Christ lay down in a manger and, basically, saved us all from death! Take time from your unwrapping and just pray a prayer of thanks to the one almighty. Thank you, Lord!


Saturday, December 3, 2011

To my readers....

To my dear readers. Yeah, you guys. To Russia, Australia, the Netherlands, and, yes, the States. I also thank you Portugal, for housing me and reading. Thank you Canada. Thank you readers. :)
God bless you all!

Friday, December 2, 2011


Christmas is JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!!!! and OHHHHH BOY! Am I Excited or WHAT!?!??! :) In the next 2 months, we will be REALY busy, SOOOOOO I might not post... at all... I hope that's not true, we'll see.
Reasons for abcence:
Moving, yes, moving, but not as drastic as Jake's move, me, I am only moving back to the states.
Holidays, Christmas, New years, my birth day, you get the drill.
BUSYBUSY home work. I am in TWO honors classes.
Baby sitting, for the holidays, I need denero.
And... I think thats it.... :)