"Some people classify others as weird or scary, but to me, your just one of my pack"


Sunday, February 19, 2012


QUICK! QUICK! Gather round, younguns! I am prepared to say something rather BIG....
I have now STARTED the second book of To Follow our Father! If you act fast, you may get to name a character!!!!! QUICK! QUICK! Come and Comment!!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Sorry my readers! BUSYBUSYBUSY!!! You know how THAT is right? Back in the states!
Yeah, that was pathetic on purpose. I suppose the states are.... okayyyy...... I just feel SOOO Overwhelmed and lonely... and alone.... lonesome.... Loner...
BUT lest not make this about ME! Well, okay, about me but not about my feelings...
I am holding a CONTEST on what to name my new laptop! If you have a name, shoot me an email @ sammytgreen(at)gmail(dot)com . If I like it, I will send the namer a free Totally Toby personalized comic with a thank you note. On the back I will AUTOGRAPH it and ship it off to you!
feel free to check out my youtube account! Just search for Miss Barredowl. If you see a creepy looking sock puppet, yeah, thats me.
Dont forget to subscribe and like my videos!!!!!!!!