"Some people classify others as weird or scary, but to me, your just one of my pack"


Friday, March 2, 2012

The story of a...... Wait, what am I???

Hello, dear and lovable readers!!! Tis me from the hallows! Okay, from a place called the states, and being so busy with..... Um.... nothing.... that it takes me a while to post.... So, whats going on now, I am planning the most EPIC sketch of all time, it will make Julian Smith's videos look amateur! Okay, I wish, but it wont. ;) I'd tell you more, but you just have to find out yourself. :) School and poems... I am doing rather well, I guess. I hope. I mean, I can hardly say I'm a writer if I cant write a simple little Haiku, right? Well, We will see soon enough.. ):(
In other news, I have found some actors (Friends, not movie stars) for my videos, so, MORE FUN! YAY! Don't forget to check it out and subscribe to me! Youtube Miss Barredowl

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